Could NOT have asked for a better vacation week! God allowed us lots of fun times and lots of rest and it's been absolutely beautiful.
We started Friday as soon as school was out by heading to the southern coast of Honduras to a little town called San Lorenzo and a little island called Amapala. Apparently, to the locals it's weird for two girls our age to be travelling by ourselves, but we had fun, minus the jellyfish sting of course :-)
Crossing the bay with hott life jackets. |
Welcome to Isla del Tigre and Amapala! |
Oh yes, it was a volcano and oh yes, we climbed it! |
Sunrise in San Lorenzo, who sleeps in on vacation? We had things to do! |
Whole fried fish on the beach, yum! |
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Arriving home on Tuesday we rested a bit and then went swimming with the Buen Pastor girls at a local swimming hole. It was lovely to see the young moms get to just be teenage girls for a day!
The only reason I got this photo was because Javi was terrified and going down the slide like a turtle :-) |
The young ones took naps in the hammocks, but Javi took a little while to relax, lol. |
And after all of this, we still had Easter weekend... Here they celebrate by making "afombras" (carpets) in the streets made of wood shavings in really elaborate designs. Check it out!
Yes this is just out in the middle of the street! |
This one was one of the best, hard to tell, but it's three dimensional! |
Many of them had ladders on the ends you could stand on to take pictures. |
These afombras were all made overnight and as is tradition, the processions the next morning left them all looking like this hours later:
Goodness there were so many moments I could write about, but I don't have the time to write it all down!
But the supreme point we celebrate this week is this: that a completely just and holy God made a way to demonstrate his infinite love and infinite holiness all at the same time in the death of one man, who was also fully God and took away all our fears and worries, by conquering death itself to give us hope and strength for life and for eternity.
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