For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

You just NEVER know...

We have an on-going joke here about never, never, NEVER assuming that you know what is going to happen any given day when you get up in the morning.  For example, last day of exam week for all the students (so essentially their last day of school for the year), I assumed I would be sitting in the teacher room most of the day working on grades and writing recuperation tests for the kids who failed the normal year.  Wrong.  Instead...

I'm at a pool by 10:00 am watching 34 fifth graders, trying to make sure none of them drown.  Haha!  Thankfully, yes they all made it out alive despite there being a deep end, a diving board, no life guard, and only two teachers monitoring the chaos.

By yesterday (Saturday) I was very much ready for a relaxing day at home which was more or less accomplished, but got a little melancholy when my house mate started moving out (to the new apartment she'll be in next fall).

There's the lovely desk the boys at the farm made for me and have thoroughly enjoyed these last 11 months!  It's going to her new apartment so she can enjoy it another year.  With the desk gone and all the packing begun, my room is just looking sad...

Nothing like bare walls and empty space to remind you you're leaving soon.  Not that I could forget :-)  Oh, how I'm going to miss these precious little children!

God, may it be in remembrance of these, and the countless others like them who are in need of your loving-kindness that I move forward into the next phase of training in my life and for their sake, finish the education I started to serve them better.  Help them to always be in the forefront of my mind and heart as they are in yours.  Amen.

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