For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2 weeks, q rapido!

Friday was the last day of classes with the 5th, 7th, and 8th graders.  What a day.  It was not emotional knowing that I would be seeing them all again this week for exams, but the goofiness, the joy of seeing understanding on their faces after a difficult explanation, the jokes, the hugs, the "Good morning, Miss!" 's... these things I will miss.  And although some of them have mad me royally angry at times and others I never got to know as well as I would like, here are the classes I'm so very proud of and so thankful God put in my life this year...

5th grade section "A"

5th grade section "B"

7th section "B" (probably my best class, but shhhhhh!... it's a secret, they get big heads really easily)

8th "B" the girls

8th "B" the infamous boys (I'm relatively sure one of them is getting his butt pinched in the picture... hopefully some of them will grow out of it...maybe...eventually)

8th "A" the girls

8th "A" the boys

7th section "A"
And as all of us missionaries keep on saying to each other:  I can't believe the year is already over!  Just like any experience such as this there is no way to capture in words or explain what it has meant to me.  I can only thank God for the experiences, encounters, and lessons learned and pray that my students saw glimpses of Him in me.

Hace mucha falta!

So now that I'm feeling nice and sad, here's the funnies from last week:

4th grade student in Kadian's class: MISS!!! Alejandro just erupted!!! ("eruptar" meaning "to burp" in Spanish;-)

At the grocery store, Kadian to the armed guard (pointing to the 'grocery' price tag on his gun): "Con permiso... cuanto cuesta?"


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